Saame tuttavaks kolumbialasest Kevin Rodriguezega


Tutvustame teile kolumbialast Kevin Rodriguezt, kelle pilte mõni teravam silm võib olla juba tänavafotofoorumis märganud. Kevin elab Bogotas, töötab tarkvarainsenerina, kuid hobina käib väljas ja teeb pilte asjadest, mis teda kõnetavad.

Millal ja kuidas hakkasid Sa tänavafotograafiast huvituma?

Ma olen alati fotograafiat armastanud, aga vahendite puudumise tõttu ei saanud ma endale kaamerat osta (4 aastat tagasi), seega tegin ma palju pilte telefoniga. Ma alustasin piltide tegemist väga minimalistliku lähenemisega. Pandeemia saabumisega mu finantsiline olukord paranes ja tekkis palju vaba aega kodust töötamise tõttu, seega ma otsustasin kaamera osta ja fotograafiat tõsisemalt võtta.

Miks tänavafotograafia? Sest ma arvan, et see on parim viis harjutada ja arendada oma loovust ‒ sa teed palju pilte metsikus keskkonnas, mõnikord pole valgust, teinekord sajab vihma, vahel inimesed vaidlevad sinuga. Isegi kui sa oled portree- või moefotograaf, siis tänavafotograafia on hea silma treenimise jaoks.

Kevin Rodriguez

Mida tähendab tänavafotograafia Sinu jaoks?

Tänavafotograafia on väga oluline osa mu elust, see on nagu jõusaalis käimine- sa teed kõik endast oleneva, et head pilti saada. Ma armastan jalutada, olla teadlik oma ümbrusest, saada tuttavaks inimestega üle terve maa ja jagada nendega oma mõtteid samal ajal õlut või kohvi juues. See on hindamatu ja teeb minust parema inimese.

Kevin Rodriguez

Milline on kõige huvitavam koht, kus Sa oled pildistanud?

Sevilla, linn Hispaanias ‒ ilus valgus, varjud, värvid ja subjektid. Ma soovitan vaadata Antonio E. Ojeda ja Joseba Castaño töid.

Kuidas Sa avastasid Eesti tänavafotofoorumi?

Ma liitusin grupiga, sest ma tahtsin rohkem teada saada Eesti tänavafotost. Ma arvan, et see on huvitav koht, kus elada.

Kevin Rodriguez

Milline on Su mulje piltidest, mida oled seal näinud?

Toredad kaadrid! Lembe Aasorgi siluetid on imelised ja üldiselt võib leida ilusaid kompositsioone ja siiraid kaadreid. Hea koht, kus inspiratsiooni saada.

Mis on suurim erinevus Eesti ja Sinu kodumaa tänavafotograafia vahel?

Te olete häbelikud inimesed! Meie üritame alati oma subjektile võimalikult lähedale saada, kui me töötame. Ma arvan, et see on suur kultuuriline erinevus.

Kevin Rodriguez

Mis Sind inspireerib?

Filmid, fotoraamatud, maalid, Instagrami kontod, Facebooki grupid, peaaegu kõik.

Kas Sul on lemmikfotograafe?

Mul on palju lemmikfotograafe, aga toon välja viis ebatavalist kaasaegset:

Sarah Van Rij

Sam Bohórquez

Rodrigo Roher

Dante Sisofo

Juan Cristóbal Cobo

ja viis klassikut:

– Saul Leiter
– Martin Parr
– Ernst Haas
– René Burri
– William Klein.

Kevin Rodriguez

Mis on Su plaanid tulevikuks?

Jätkata oma fotograafia keele leidmist, see on pikk tee ning ma tahaksin luua tugevat tänavafotograafia kollektiivi, et jagada oma riigi hämmastavaid talente.

Küsis: Katriin Kents

Can you introduce yourself a bit more and tell what you do in life?

Hi, I’m Kevin Rodriguez and I’m from Bogotá – Colombia, I work as a software engineer and my hobby is to go outside and take photos of things that attract me.

How and when did you get into street photography?

I have always loved photography, but I couldn’t get a camera because I did not have the resources to buy one (4 years ago), so I took a lot of photos with my phone. I started to take photos with a very minimalist approach. Then the pandemic came to our lives, my financial situation improved and I started to have a lot of free time (working from home), so I decided to get a camera and take photography more seriously.

Why street photography, I think that is the best way to practice and improve your creativity because you take a lot photos in a wild environment, sometimes with no light, sometimes raining, sometimes people arguing with you… even if you are a portrait photographer or fashion photographer, street photography is a nice exercise for your eyes.

Kevin Rodriguez

What does street photography mean to you?

Street photography is a very important part of life, it is like to go to the gym, you put everything in your being to get a good picture, I love to walk, be aware of my surroundings, know people from around the world and share thoughts them meanwhile we are drink a beer/coffee, it’s priceless and it makes me a better human being.

Where is the most interesting place you have taken pictures at?

Seville – Spain, beautiful light, shadows, colors and subjects, i recommend checking out the work by Antonio E. Ojeda and Joseba Castaño.

Kevin Rodriguez

How did you discover Estonian street photography forum/blog?

I joined the group because I wanted to know the street photography environment in Estonia, I think it is an interesting place to live.

What are your impressions on the pictures you’ve seen in the blog?

Nice shots!, the silhouettes work by Lembe Aasorg is amazing and generally, you can find nice compositions and candid shots, good place to get inspiration.

What is the biggest difference in street photography between Estonia and where you live?

You are shy people! We are always trying to get closer to our subjects when we are working. I think that it’s a big cultural difference.

Kevin Rodriguez

What inspires you?

Movies, photo books, paintings, Instagram accounts, Facebook groups, almost everything.

Do you have any favourite photographers?

I have a lot of favourite photographers but I will name some 5 unconventional contemporaries.

Sarah Van Rij
Sam Bohórquez
Rodrigo Roher
Dante Sisofo
Juan Cristóbal Cobo

and 5 classics:
– Saul Leiter
– Martin Parr
– Ernst Haas
– René Burri
– William Klein

Kevin Rodriguez

What are your plans for the future?

Keep trying to find my photographic language, it will be a long path and I would like to create a solid street photography collective to share some amazing talent from my country.

Interviewed by Katriin Kents.

Kevin Rodriguez